Kamloops - the city of stuff

So Saturday morning was a good one, everyone had a bit of a sleep in and then we ventured out to find breakfast in town that wasn't the $15 bacon and eggs the Harrison Hot Springs Resort had on the menu. It was a beautiful morning and the annual Arts Festival was just starting it's second day.

We found a restaurant called Rockamolles which is a rock and roll bar and restaurant at night and a pancake joint by day. Our server was super nice but seemed like she usually does the night shift (just a little 80's hair and a pair of black tight jeans).

On our walk to the van we passed a small street vendor that was selling honey and fresh fruit. The dude insisted we sample all the honey he had and the kids liked the cinnamon honey and Mom and Dad loved the espresso honey. Soooo, we ended up with a couple jars of local honey (espresso, cinnamon, raspberry, and vanilla).

Then we were off of fulfill all our dreams and desires in Kamloops. Now nothing against Kamloops, because all I know about it is that they have a WHL team, but it doesn't really scream out;

Vacation Destination!

Kamloops, we have everything of Calgary but were are smaller!

Kamloops, come check out our stuff and things!

Kamloops, a city that never sleeps, well we sleep but we stay up really late!

It really had absolutely no attraction for us. But in the end it was a nice little city stuck in a valley with great scenery. What we did find in Kamloops was a restaurant called the Chopped Leaf. They had great fresh salads and wraps all using some pretty great ingredients. It is nice to see a place where you can get a salad with more than just lettuce and cucumbers.

We were super excited to find this place and looked it up online that night to check out the menu further when we realized that This local fresh food joint is a chain store.

Whoppie, meh!

Awesome that we can find it in other cities to get our veggie fix on other trips but too bad that it is a bit corporate. Oh well, as long as it makes great fresh healthy food this franchise can't be that bad.

We then rocked the pool well into the night, which was nice because it was salt water so it was not chalk full of pickling chemicals for once. No water slide but the pool had a small lazy river that pushed you along and a nice hot tub.

And the night was going along as it usually does with booked in bed and kids drifting off to sleep when Mom was laying in be switch our middle child, the oldest boy, and they had quite the bizarre conversation as he was on the verge of drifting off to sleep.

Fella: the GPS called me an idiot.
Mom: what!?
Fella: the GPS called me an idiot today, I don't like the GPS.
Mom: but buddy I heard you call the GPS an idiot this afternoon, why did you do that?
Fella: because it called me an idiot first.

All this was in a serious sleepy tone and was not one of his many attempts to be silly, because he drifted off to sleep a few moments later.

Well holy crap if Mom and Dad did not laugh ourselves to tears when he was out and we relived the exchanged!! We both heard him this afternoon call the GPS an idiot, but I guess it was just in defense of a smart mouthing GPS.

What a great end to a day...

Still no pictures as Dad's phone is still out of commission after being submerged in the ocean. So you will have to wait until we arrive home later this week and upload the photos to each post and. The photo galleries.

Best Western in Kamloops

Room 5/5 (the room was bigger than a standard room, $10 more a night, and that was awesome. It was fairly new looking and clean and very quiet.)

Pool 4/5 (there was no water slide but the pool and hot tub were nice. Salt water in both which was nice, and the pool had a little lazy river going on.)

Location 4/5 (we are not sure if it was close to any attractions, but it was close to Superstore! And there was quite the assortment of stores in a few strip malls nearby.)

Hotel 4/5 (we would recommend people give it a shot, especially with a bigger room. We broke a glass in the carpet and a fella came right up after we called and vaccumed it up and brought a new glass.)

Posted on July 15, 2012 .