drive, wait, drive, wait, drive...

All packed up for the ferry off the island.

Sorry about no pictures today, check out the Photos page for a bunch more pictures from our vacation. We will add more pics when we can.

Yesterday was Friday and we left Vancouver Island pretty early, after we realized we hadn't eaten a nanaimo bar in Nanaimo we quickly stopped at a bakery and grabbed a traditional and a peanut butter nanaimo bar, so we could meet the kids Aunt for an afternoon of Playland in Vancouver.

It was another great ferry ride, this time back to the mainland, but after about an hour the kids wanted to go back and play in the van until we docked.

We then booked it to the PNE Playland for our amusement park date!

It was awesome! The Auntie knew all the great kids rides as well as the big rides too. Our oldest even went with her on the giant swing ride that raises a good 150 feet in the air. Which we found out was super nice and cool spinning around up in the air because it was hot out!

We bounced around between rides and games for a good 2+ hours, winning a giant inflated superman baseball bat, a little stuffed cow, a big stuffed cat, and a bubble gun (which saved the day when the little guy was getting tired and fidgety). And to cap off the afternoon was a round of snow cones for the kids!

It was good to do something different than what we had done this vacation, and to let them run around a bit and play some games. And we all loved seeing our West Coast family because we hadn't seen her in awhile.

Thanks for the afternoon!!!!

Afterwards we had to put the pedal to the metal so we could reach Harrison Hot Springs and stay at the Harrison Hot Springs Resort in our Harrison Hot Springs Resort hotel room. Unfortunately the fastest speed we were able to reach for the first hour was 50 km/h.

Soooooo, we didn't actually get into our hotel room until 7:30! And at this point the kids had not eaten, besides a bagel and six timbits, so we still had to eat. the hot springs were just outside our room so we had to swim in those first and then we had supper.

The hot springs were very nice. They were all slightly different temperatures so we hoped from pool to pool and ended up in the spray pad. Then back at our room we ordered room service, because no one in town would deliver to the resort, we had some chicken strips and veggies and apples, Mom had a portabella burger, and Dad had a salmon burger. The salmon burger was the best!

And with the kids in bed and asleep at 10:30 we were excited to relax....but the adults only pool was just outside our window, one floor down and it was super loud.


Oh well at least the kids will sleep in. Right?

Harrison Hot Springs Resort

Room 2/5 (it was loud having the pool just outside the room and the room was fairly old.)

Location 4/5 (even though it was quite an adventure to find the resort in town it was right at the lake and there were lots of cool stores a block away.)

Pool 5/5 (the pools are aging a bit but are pretty cool! There are 5 pools, 2 indoors 3 out, that are designed to look like they are natural pools in a forest. Oh and they had a small spray park for the kids.)

Hotel 3/5 (the hotel is super nice and very fancy and aged...but it is not for us. Even with cool pools and being nestled in the mountains it was too fancy for us. Access to food was limited unless you ate at their restaurants and the price was high. We could have had a killer room with two queen beds, free continental breakfast, and water slides for about half the price. But it was worth giving a shot, but not again with kids.)


Posted on July 14, 2012 .