Why are we blogging about our messy house?

We are a family of 5. The oldest is Dad, then Mom, then our daughter (born in 2005), a middle boy (born in 2006) and then our youngest, another boy (born in 2010).



We like to expose the family to new and exciting adventures. Sometimes our adventures and plans turn out great and everyone has a blast, and sometimes they turnout like a bad muffin recipe, no one wants to talk about it and at least one of the kids end up crying. But we always keep trying.

There is always a balance in allowing kids to do their own thing and to be in semi structured activities.

Good times on the water.

Good times on the water.


We find that we have such a good time with our kids that we thought that we should share some of our ideas and adventures so that you folks can maybe give some of them a try with your families to. 

It is also a great way for us to relive our fun times and record some of the stories for later years.

ERMAHGAWD a homemade burger!

ERMAHGAWD a homemade burger!

So rummage around the site and check out some of the stories, pictures and recommendations for fun times we have.

We go on lots of fun “adventures”, most are really close to home.  

  • Pond dipping

  • Hunting for new parks (takes binoculars to find the best ones)

  • Jumping in the van in our jammies just to drive to Grandma and Grandpa’s for night night hugs

  • Buying cat food and delivering it to the humane society

  • Baking muffins or cookies and delivering them to someone we want to visit with

  • Making a day trip to some town near by and checking out what they have to offer

Adventures can also be found at home.  Right now there are butterfly larvae on the kitchen counter that are just starting to make their chrysalis, pumpkin plants that we planted from seed and are waiting to be planted in Grandpa’s garden are on the window sill and the table has a Venus Fly Trap plant that we are waiting to get big enough to feed real bugs to.

Gardening is a big hit in our family.

Gardening is a big hit in our family.

And because as a family we choose to find the fun where we can, some things are a little lower on the list of priorities. Our house is usually a bit of a mess, I think it is generally clean just messy. Laundry, oh boy! Sundays usually are a marathon of wash, dry, fold, and put it away. Over and over again. And right now our kitchen and dining room is more of a green house than a house, but that is how we like it.

So beware, if you subscribe to some of our ideas it may result in some things falling to the way-side.

We all get the sitting on a dinosaur head, but those faces...?

We all get the sitting on a dinosaur head, but those faces...?

But we are always in the planning stages of small adventures and the big adventures…SUMMER HOLIDAYS!

We hope you enjoy our blog and the fun and stupid things we get into. We will try to tell it as it happens, the good and the terrible.

We are new to this 'blog' thingy so if you like what you see leave us a comment. If you have some great ideas tat you want to share, please do!

Messy House Happy Family, also includes the minivan (battle wagon). When we open the doors stuff tends to spill out.

See you at the park!

investigating is our thing.

investigating is our thing.