home again home again jigging jig

Well it has been a day since our last update. Here are the highlights and lowlights of these past few hours.


We changed our course in Canmore and instead of going toCalgary we detoured to Edmonton.

In Edmonton we stopped off and said hi to bestest friends of ours, and their super adorable new baby gal. It was well worth the detour just to see them!

After our baby fix we waited in line at the West Edmonton Mall watermark first thing in the morning. It opened at 10:00 and after a short one hour lunch break at Moxies we went Dad and the two oldest went back and swam until 4:30. And Mom and the wee dude walked, napped, and shopped.

And of course we IKEAed the hell out of IKEA! We bought some cool toy storage for the basement and filled that van up more than it should be.


We ran out of our special coffee and have been tweaking a bit. And this morning forgot entirely to make coffee in the room so we went caffeine free until supper time!!!

Hello headache!

Our hotel in Edmonton has a few short comings. A bit dated and musty smelling, the bunk beds in the kids side room is rickety and mildly dangerous, and the 'terrace' is creepy and has a one foot high railing that wouldn't hold a infant in.

Vacation is......over.

Tomorrow morning we are packing ourselves into an overfill van and drifting Eastward home. We hope to be home at a decent hour, 3:00, so we can unpack and get a few groceries and such.

Oh well, it had to end some day as we did not win the lottery while on vacation.


Posted on July 17, 2012 .