Posts tagged #waterslides

It was a 2 and a half movie drive


The drive today from Minot to Ostega (sp? ) was a long one. We but we would rather stop a few times and stretch our legs at parks and for lunch then just zombie it straight through.


I can haz subz! 

I can haz subz! 

Luckily we found this great stop in Fartgo that was a highway travelers dream. A subway connected to a gas station connected to an auto parts supply shop connected to a McDonald's.  And by connected we mean no walls in between, you could smell the fries while looking for auto air fresheners.

But the real gem of this place is seeing the real road warriors who come in and with the free hot water and condiments of the gas station construct a full meal of tea, noodles and some odd pink jello stuff that was made with hot water. I wanted so bad to talk to this fella but I was afraid of interrupting his routine.   

Our youngest was so happy when he saw a neck pillow, on sale thank goodness, that he really wanted. And if you look back to his parrot nap of the previous post you will understand why we agreed to buy it for him. We thought it would save his skinny neck from some weird torquing while sleeping in the van.  

Unfortunately the actual purpose of the pillow was lost on him entirely.  


 "daddy da pillow makes me keep my neck straight, so it doesn't fall off."

 "daddy da pillow makes me keep my neck straight, so it doesn't fall off."

We finally made it to our destination and the kids were not let down as the hotel has a great little water park that melted the highway miles off. 

Plus the room was a great size, a large set of bunk beds in one room connected to a king bed room by a living room with a wee kitchen and sitting area. Our middle kid asked if we could buy this room be cause he wanted to live here. We told him the glory of living here would wear off fast.  


This bed has a bed on it!!

This bed has a bed on it!!

Now the kids are in bed and we are enjoying a massive thunder storm that is passing over head. *don't tell grandma their were tornados that touched down*

And tomorrow we are off to Wisconsin Dells to meet up with some great friends and their kids for 5ish days of water slides and sun screen. Gotta love it! 

Posted on July 12, 2015 .