Posts tagged #waterslide

I know why they are endangered, because they are darn adorable!

We decided to get out of the house first thing this morning (the weather looked like it was not going to cooperate with letting the kids play outside) and go to Moose Jaw. 

Moose Jaw - great little town, lots of old people, temple gardens mineral spa, fun place to spend a day.

We first checked out the Kinsmen Sportsplex in town. It is a great little place. With a waterslide (nice and slow for young kids), full lanes for those who wish they were were Olympic swimmers, a great pool area for toddlers with a Zero Beach Leisure Pool, hot tub, steam room,a decent concession for snacks and light lunches, and 5 family change rooms. 


After almost 2 hours of swimming we got dressed and decided to check out the Burrowing Owl centre. Now before you say "Oh boy, burrowing owls...".

But the place is pretty neat. Don't expect to spend the day there, you are really looking at 20 - 30 minutes depending on how much your kids like looking at cages with burrowing owls. 

They have a short eared owl and a row of cages with about 10 burrowing owls. There is also a sand box, a small building wit some owl display, and a place to look for wild life. But these other things are pretty blah and nothing special.

But those damn cute owls make up for it!! They are like little stuffed animals with beaks and talons. Even though they are a bird that can fly, and does, it decides to live underground and run around like tiny evil chickens. 

A young 3 year old burrowing owl.

The oldest ambassador owl, Trooper, was super cool. He flew over from his burrow and sat right at the edge of his enclosure and showed us a leaf he had in his beak.

Posing with the owls

So give it a shot if you have an hour to spare. Check the hours of operations though before you go, they change by the season.

Looking for other wildlife at the burrowing owl centre.

Posted on May 19, 2012 and filed under Moose Jaw, Nature.