Posts tagged #horse

Assiniboine Park Zoo (Winnipeg Zoo)

Ahh Zoos, how much fun I always imagine going you being. Walking from enclosure to enclosure having amazing life changing interactions with each and every wonderful animal………sigh! The monkeys looking directly at my oldest and just staring or the zebras in a show of synchronization galloping by my family as we watch them pass. Alas. 

Zoos to me are almost like a high school dance. They should be fun but you spend most of your time walking around never actually getting close to what you came to see. Now don’t get me wrong I still think they are fun and we always hit up the local zoos when we get into town, but they almost always don’t live up to the hype.

her shoulder is BARE!

The Assiniboine Park Zoo is a fun zoo with the usual cast of animals; Slender-tailed meerkats, European wisent, Domestic polecat (no comment), Black oystercatcher, Tawny frogmouths (only the one though), and my favorite the Splendid Mandarinfish.  But what we saw when we were there last summer 2011 was what will bring us back again, and soon hopefully! The brand new $200 million The International Polar Bear Conservation Centre. They were building it in 2011 so we missed out, but whoa boy! does it look cool!

What is for supper Mrs. Polar Bear?

The International Polar Bear Conservation Centre opened at Assiniboine Park Zoo on January 23, 2012, and it is a key component of the new Journey to Churchill exhibit currently under construction at the Zoo as part of its redevelopment plan. So the zoo is defiantly spending some money and it is going to be revitalizing the park for sure.

The facilities are very nice and the zoo is large so plan on at least a half day or more to soak it all in.

I love pushing 100 lbs.of kids around a hot zoo.

Just remember to bring lots o’ water and a few snacks, they have a great ‘food court’ there but of course the prices are like a movie theatre.

Nothing says zoo like wild Himalayan short haired pony rides.

Now after visiting the updated zoo my family will then want to go to Churchhill, Manitoba to see real polar bears. I always wanted to drive a giant monster truck bus.

Everyone in Churchhill drives one right?

Posted on May 17, 2012 and filed under Winnipeg.