Posts tagged #golf n gator

Golf N' Gator

We came across this place in Cocoa Beach called Golf N' Gator. It was advertised as two 18 hole mini golf courses and feed the gators.


A short 5 minute bus ride from our hotel, the Courtyard Marrott, we hit it up. Luckily it was early so no one else was there. The golfing was awesome with lots of little lizards darting about. At the end there was a large tortoise that was munching an apple. Our little guy loved it, but was a little worried it might climb out and get him.

Afterwards we each got to hold a baby alligator, Columbian boa constrictor, scorpion, tarantula, and a few other snakes.

Our young guy was the first one to volunteer to hold the gator, though his face showed his regret in the pictures.

Mister tilly hat was very interested but VERY reluctant to actually hold anything, but in the end put his hand out to allow the tarantula to walk across. Turns out tarantulas are terrifying to look at but very gentle and fragile.

Now our daughter was the stand out! She wanted to hold everything, touch everything and had a blast.

Then we bought a cup of cut up hot dogs and we're able to feed the alligators via a bobbie pin and pole. It was awesome.

The people at Golf N' Gator were fantastic. Highly recommend people go when it isn't busy because we got first class access to the animals.

Posted on December 20, 2013 .