Posts tagged #games


Tinkertown,what can we say about Tinkertown. Super fantastic awesome ass kicking!

If you are in Winnipeg, it is summer, your kids are young (ages 2 to 14), and you like amusement parks then Tinkertown is the place for you all.

After a long day at Tinkertown we were all a little tired.

The rides are all for young kids. A small roller coaster, to a tiny pirate ship. The cost is quite reasonable and we easily spent a whole day going from ride to ride, and then back again to each ride, over and over again. The food is what you would expect, hot dogs and fries, cotton candy and pop. So make sure to bring water and other food if you don’t want deep-fried sugar.

Olde time cars are fun!

Chair swings are her favorite ride.

It is a few minutes out of Winnipeg but well worth the short drive.

Posted on May 19, 2012 and filed under Activities, Winnipeg.