Posts tagged #dinosaurs

Museum and Planetarium

Now you say “Museum” and I say “Cool, I’ll get some pants on.”, but you say “Museum and Planetarium” and I will scream “Quick fuel up the rocket it opens in 3 minutes!”

A good museum has to be one of my favorite places to take the kids. The good ones have interactive exhibits, cool scenes displayed, and lots of variety not just endless displays of dead animals. The Manitoba Museum is actually comprised of the Museum, the Planetarium and the Science Gallery.


A little snack after the museum and before the planetarium.


There are a few snack machines in the entry of the museum as well and a decent little gift shop. The cost is a little high so you might want to buy the full family package to the Museum, Planetarium, and Science Gallery.



We will start with the museum.

We went as a whole 5 person family to the museum this Easter 2012. We have been before but hte kids wanted ot go again, and I quote “I want ot see the ship again!”

The museum is very good in some places, like the Boreal Forrest Gallery and the ship the Nonsuch, but lacks pizzazz in areas like the Earth History Gallery.

The mighty Nonsuch is amazing to get to walk around on!

The end of the museum you walk through the Urban Gallery which is great fun for the kids. the content is a bit over the heads of the younger crown but there is still lots for them to learn about by walking around in a 1920s town.  It is fun to ask “remember where you get your hair cut?” then show them the old barber shop.

The museum is decent and would recommend it for families, but only if you like museums. If you don’t this one will not likely win you over to te museum fan club.

BUT being able to walk on the Nonsuch and see what it would look like docked in a harbour might be worth the risk.



The Planetarium at the Winnipeg Museum is awesome. Well i thought so, the two older kids (4 and 6 at the time) were not so enthralled.

We bought tickets for the summer shy show that was 35 minutes long. We ended up leaving after 20 minutes. sigh!

The planetarium is nice with comfortable seats and quality lights an equipment. But of course it gets dark during the show so younger kids may not love looking at the constellations as much as I did. Oh well, we will have to try again in a decade or so.

I had enough fun for all of us!

Posted on May 17, 2012 and filed under Museum, Planetarium, Winnipeg.