Posts tagged #babies

Butterflies Are Starting To Butterfly!

Yesterday we had our first butterfly emerge from it's cocoon. I was on my way home from work when my oldest called me on my cell phone. I could barely understand what she was saying over the noise of the boys in the background, but they were looking at their first butterfly.

The hatching chamber!!! or butterfly basket home, which ever works for you.

We had taped all the lids of the tiny containers to the top of the mesh basket that came with the butterflies. We then had to wait about a week for the butterflies to come....

Butterfly BF001 - welcome to the world.
The first of the litter, I am sure butterfly babies are a litter of butterflies.

Turns out it is a lek or swarm of butterflies, who knew.

Stay tuned for further developments on the growing butterfly army.
Posted on May 17, 2012 and filed under At home, Nature.