Our day started off early (as usual) so we went to hang out on the deck.
every kids dream, a canon ride!
playing at the park on the harbour in Nanaimo
just starting our trek to the ocean's edge
In the shallow tide pools the water was nice and warm.
having a blast in the water
The family enjoying supper at a local joint just after leaving the beach
We got quite the treat while eating pancakes. 2 baby deer and 3 adult deer were playing in the yard, they were only a few metres away from us, but on the other side of the fence (this fence offers little to no protection we learned as this evening we saw one jump the fence quite easily). Then Mr. Raccoon came back and put on a little show for the kids climbing trees.
We decided to start the day and hit downtown Nanaimo today and check out the harbour. Seeing all of the boats was very cool. It is so different for the kids. They wanted to explore everything. We grabbed lattes and walked the docks and enjoyed the dragon boat races that were taking place in the harbour. There was a massive playground that was neat and the kids played their hearts out all morning.
By 11:00 am they were exhausted.
We planned it out so that we went to Parksville when the tide was out. The tidal pools were unbelievable!
They freaked the kids out though. First they took off full tilt into the first one and were shocked to see tiny little crabs running around, clams and sand dollars (none of which they have ever seen up close before). Then they all wanted to be carried, yeah right!
It took awhile for them to realize there was nothing to be afraid of, then they were ready to explore. They collected a whole bucket of neat shells and helped save some sand dollars by putting them back into the water. We walked close to 300 yards through the tide pools and sand until they were able to swim in the ocean. We ended up hanging out on an island of sand right at the oceans edge and created worm habitats as we dug in the sand. We realized it was time to walk back to land once water began to creep up and was going to flood our bag and blanket in a few minutes time.
The kids were amazed to see the tide come back in!
Not only was the beach amazing at Parksville, but they had an unbelievable playground and spray park. The kids didn't want to leave. We spent so much time playing there that the kids were starving and ready for supper. Even though we had planned on BBQing, we instead stopped at a very neat restaurant that we stumbled upon by accident. Avos was the name, and avocados was its' game.
We had fresh chips and salsa sitting out on the patio. Our oldest son ate his weight in prawns. The kid meals were awesome and came with fruit and veggies and dip and juice. The kids had grilled cheese and chicken quesadillas. Mom and Dad shared a Baha salad with avocados, beans and sprouts and fish tacos with mexican rice and refried beans. They were amazing!!!
The other amazing thing today is that it is Mom and Dad's 11th anniversary! It was a great way to spend a day like today, we relaxed, we played, and we had a great time together.
And it was as if the racoons in the backyard this evening knew that today was a special day, because they put on a 3 minute show as 2 racoons proceeded to kick the ever loving s*** out of a third racoon who had wandered by.
Gotta love what vacations throw at you.