Gator Gazing

A quick breakfast (and coffee on the balcony) and we were on the road to the Kissimmee Gator Tour. This promised to be an exciting time, either perfect weather and lots of animals to be seen oooor rain and wind, motion sickness and no gators. 



Luckily the weather was fantastic, well at least for us. The woman from the tour was wearing leggings, jeans, long sleeve shirt and a jacket. I think we got more than a few odd looks from people in pants. 


The tour was amazing! Our guide was a funny and knowledgeable guy. He told us all the cool information about the area and the various animals and plants we came across. 



We saw alligators and alligators and more alligators. The boys counted 57, from tiny little yearlings to a big one about 10 feet long.  



The lake/swamp was pretty cool. Roots from the lily pads and aquatic plants will pull out of the lake bottom and float on the surface drying out. Over time they clump together and more and more plant material gathers and the wind and bird poop will seed the floating island with flowers and plants. The birds, snail, fish and gators use these islands for their various purposes. 



This gator is sunning itself on a small floating island of roots and plants. Though he was so big he was sinking into it. 



Highly recommend the tour and the Kissimmee Gator Tour was great because it was a small family run company that wasn't all about pumping through group after group of tourists.   



From the tour we took the long way back to the condo with a quick stop at BK where we had #macncheetos which were spicy and terrible. Love buying the ridiculous fast food items we stumble upon in the States.  

Groceries, visit to the Dollar General, then back to the condo for a late supper. Aaaaaaand another late night swim. Good times. T - minis 2 days until Kennedy Space Center!

Posted on December 26, 2017 .