The excitement of landing in Maui was too much for us to contain.
This past Easter we were forced (not that I would have fought back) to go to Maui for a family wedding.
It has been a few months since we were there so the stories are not that fresh in my mind, but I will do my best to keep to the facts.
A quick hop skip and snore and we landed in the hot humid land of beaches and ocean. Once we picked up our Jeep Wrangler (the kids wanted a convertible rental car, and I couldn't fit all the kids in a camero) we made a pit stop at Costco to stock up on food bits for the week.
The view from our room. The Pirate pool was a hot commodity for our family. This was 1 of 3 pools.
We had a great setup at the resort with side by side rooms, our room had a mid sized kitchen and grandma and grandpa's room had a full sized kitchen. So we bought groceries like a flock of hungry chickens. As we were loading our groceries into the not-that-big Jeep I thought, "How the sweet he'll are we going to get our groceries and bags into our room?"
Luckily the resort is used to wide eyed tourists and had large plastic tubs with ice that they happily stored all our groceries and bags before taking them to the room. Oh and they even unpacked the groceries and put them away in the room. Just awesome!
2 minutes after we arrived we couldn't keep this guy out of the pool, even with no bath suit on.
After that our first day was occupied with a bit of swimming and getting ready for the wedding that evening.
Nothing says stomach ache like an afternoon snack of yogurt in the sun. I can almost taste the curdling.