The day before we left Wisconsin Dells we had a great supper with our friends, said goodbye as they were leaving early the next morning and then we went to the outlet mall to do a little shopping.
We were operating like a well oiled troupe of clowns. We split up and proceeded to check off times from our list. school shoes for the oldest boy, clothes for our daughter, sketchers for mom and fudge for our youngest.
We had accomplished our list and we're walking out when someone said "hey look minions!"
We turned and saw a magnificent minion display in the Build-a-Bear store.
Fast forward 30 minutes and we were extruded out the other side with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Donnie to be specific. Through this entire process our youngest was on cloud nine.
cleaning Donnie after he was stuffed.
If he hugged any harder Donnie's head might pop off.
He just wanted us to keep taking pictures of him and his turtle.
even a good night's sleep hadn't dampened his love for Donnie.
Well played Build-a-Bear, we'll played.