Every Story Has Two Sides

Everyday, with everyday experiences, we choose the way we react to them. In many situations we can put a positive or a negative spin on things. Take our last full day in Orlando for instance. First, I will describe the day as we saw it, then I will describe the same day again, through a lense we try not to use (and didnt).

For our last full day the kids decided to go back to Animal Kingdom. We got there early and after dealing with some ticket issues, we got our fast passes and we're on our way. We had to go on the nature safari again and saw the shows we had missed on our first visit. After the kids did some last minute shopping, we started to head back to the van. That's when it started to rain. We started running and laughing. Somehow our youngest stayed asleep in Dad's arms, despite being soaked. We spent the afternoon shopping and then headed back to the house early.

Version #2:
Our oldest did not want to get out of bed this morning. Sometimes it seems as though we already have a teenager. Feeling rushed, we headed out to Animal Kingdom. When we got there though the boys' Disney passes wouldn't work. We found out that the travel agency had sold us 5 day passes, but had only given us 4 day passes for the boys. We had to go to customer service, where we were told to take it up with our travel agent. The 1-800 number on our ticket receipt was not a working number though. After 45 minutes, the Disney lady just let the boys in. The park had now been open for an hour though and things were already getting busy and the kids were already getting grouchy.

We saw what we wanted to see and started leaving. That's when it started to pour rain. Our ponchos, still wet from the day before, did not come out fast enough and everyone got soaked.

We spent an hour and a half at a junky restaurant and then started looking for a Toys R Us. That's when our youngest said he felt like throwing up. We were on the freeway, and he didn't seem that serious, so we opened the windows a bit....then our middle guy said he was going to throw up. He reached for a bag and started. Nowhere to pull over, so keep driving. Then the youngest started throwing up (no bag though). Rental van was a disaster and the smell was not so great. Not a fun way to find out the boys get motion sickness on the freeway. It took another 2 hours to get back to the house because of a huge traffic jam. By the time we got back everyone was tired and hungry.

I feel so grateful that Dad and I choose to see the positive. There are always events that can set back your plans...but looking at things in a positive light keeps us happy. Maybe that's why we love traveling so much, we can look past the junky things that happen, stay patient and cool and just have fun!

Quote of the day, from our youngest:

"bleeeeee, hey there is my lunch!"

Posted on January 3, 2014 .