Lake Elmo, Is it red?

After we risked our lives hiking the Pictograph State Park we drove to another state park, Lake Elmo.

Our youngest asked if the lake was red, boy was he disappointed when we said no.


We were not planning on swimming in the lake, we hoped to play on the awesome play structure and dip our toes in the water.

Buuuuuut it didn't work out that way. We stripped off most of the boys clothes and let all three of them go bananas. We packed up to go at about 11:00 and the van said it was 31 degrees out. So it was a perfect time and tempurature to swim.

We thought that they would have their swimming itch scratched, except after lunch they rocked the hotel pool for a good hour more.

I think they would swim any opportunity we give them.

Posted on July 2, 2013 .