Kids pancake cutters


We have been working hard on the pitch and now we are ready to present our idea to the Dragons Den.

Get ready Canada for the soon to be patented product, the Kids Pancake Cutter!

Some of you may mistake this technological wizardry as a pizza cutter but you would be ass wrong.

This is a pancake cutter, and it only cuts pancakes. To some it may seem like a trivial kitchen utensil to have but when you are continuously trying to keep pancakes on hungry kids plates cutting pancakes manually with a fork and knife is an absolute waste of time.

With the pancake cutter you can hand over the cutting duties to your kids! And with all the free time you can lean on the kitchen counter while a fresh batch are cooking away and watch your kids make a horrible sticky buttery syrupy evil mess!!!!

Pancakes sure taste good but I hate the stickiness they create, the devil's breakfast of choice. I touched syrup on the bottom of my little one's plate and almost threw up...


Posted on February 3, 2013 and filed under At home, Food.