The day we lost son #1. Don't worry, we found him again

It is actually surprising he didn't get lost sooner in the trip because our middle child, and first boy, is a wanderer. During supper each and every night on the cruise he would ask to go pee at least 3 times.

Each time he would be gone for 5 - 10 minutes, as he checked out a new bathroom or took a different way back from the bathroom.

But on this night it was actually after supper and he was separated from the herd in the ship's atrium. Mom, Grandma and I looked around and couldn't see him anywhere. We even enlisted our server Deniz, who prompting dropped everything and looked in the restaurant and atrium for our guy.

After about 5 minutes we were worried, not that he was actually lost on the ship but that he would notice he was lost and get scared, so Mom went to the room to check and I went to the front desk to ask for help.

I knew he had on a Mickey Band that we used to sign him into events, and I heard we could track him via it.

Sure enough after about 3 minutes from when I got to the front desk the fella assisting me told me that our lost guy was "In, or near, your room on deck 8."

Shortly after Mom had called to advise she found him in Grandpa's room with Grandpa.

That Mickey Band was prefect. Mom ended up finding him before I could call her to tell her what I found out, but the knowledge that it work, very well, left us all with a good feeling.

We also felt better letting him go find other different bathrooms at the next supper.

Posted on December 28, 2013 .