Day 1 - no one got stabbed, but one guy pushed his luck

This morning we started our 2 week Florida Vacation by waking up at 4:00 am for our flight at 6:45. Big thanks to the best neighbours around for the drive to the airport!

Our little guy was super excited for his first flight, ever! By the end of the first 2.5 hour flight he stated "planes are boring, we done this now?"

Now on with the stabbing, or lack there of. We had quite the lengthy lay over in Minneapolis of 3 hours. After we did customs, ate, walked around, got coffees, and looking in a candy shop we had only 2.5 hours to spare...

So the boys sat at the gate, and got great seats by the way, and the girls went off to get pampered. Our oldest got a hair cut and mom got a pedicure, purple sparklie polish if you wanted to know. Dad on the other hand got and elbow to the neck (from the youngest) and a stomped on toe (from the middle child).

As time carried on and the girls were not back yet the gate was filling up and the wee one began intermittently saying "Gotta pee!" "Gotta pee!!".

So as the frequency of pee bursts was increasing I had to act. I packed up all our bags and dragged the boys down Gate F looking for a bathroom. Then 5 minutes later we made it back to our gate and there was the guy I wanted to almost stab.

He was sitting in the middle of the seats we had, which isn't actually that bad because we did leave them. But he was sitting in the middle of 7 empty seats (3 empty seats on each side of him). There were actually no other blocks of seats for us so we had to go back to our original seats and try to make this work.

As we approached the guy just sat there, with his giant sun glasses on, ripped designer jeans, and a t shirt that was way to tight and a neck line that plunged way to low. He didn't offer to move over or even acknowledge the fact that we were looking for seats.

I know that may not seem that bad but that instant of time was a convergence of events, people, lack of sleep and douche heads, and I actually felt like hurting this person until he offered to move over so we could have 5 seats together. Gladly I did not cause him physical harm.

After that the trip was pretty uneventful. We rode a monorail to get our bags in the Orlando airport, got to ride in an eleven seat Mercedes mini bus to the hotel, had a quick swim, ate supper, and realized we have to turn around to go home....

We lost our daughters stuffed dog on one of the flights.

Time stood still for about 45 minutes and the sobs and tears were a flowing. Everyone is now asleep except her and I and she keeps muttering "dad, I miss nuff-fluff." Time to go distract and get her to sleep.

Posted on December 19, 2013 .