The Kelowna Farmers Market
The indoor pool in Kelowna, those windows fold up and the whole wall is open to the green space.
View from balcony in Kelowna. Pool indoors and hot tubs outdoors.
The oldest enjoying a picnic in Kelowna at a Regional park.
Our strawberry haul from the u-pick farm.
The little one saying "hello!' to the baby kangaroo in Kelowna.
A beautiful picture of our girl and an albino kangaroo baby!
We started off today by not packing the van to head out of town, but instead we packed a picnic lunch and planned a day in Kelowna.
We could write a whole post about the farmers market here in town, but we will limit it to just a few comments. It was fantabulous! Below is a list of what we bought;
- carrots, 3 bunches
- peas, 1 bag to be shelled and eaten in hotel
- cucumbers, 2 for snacking later
- kale crisps, 1 small bag of dehydrated kale crisps
- cheese bun, 1 bun that the young one selected
- lemon aid, 1 cup fresh squeezed that was selected by the middle kid
- cookie, 1 coco cookie that was selected by the oldest
- spinach buns, 3 spinach stuffed buns
- sweet and sour gluten, 1 order of soya gluten that was crispy, chewy and awesome
- cookies, a whole pack of coco cookies that everyone loved
- pumpkin seed brittle, 1 small bag of pumpkin seed brittle, so damn good
- chocolate mint ice 'cream', 1 cup of coconut milk ice cream that is 100% local and organic
- quinoa granola, secret recipe of quinoa granola that was crunchy and good
- cheese cake, 3 bite sized pieces of organic frozen cheese cake
And we would have bought much more. There was so much fantastic booths and food trucks. And the kids enjoyed the kids magician that put on a show for all the kids at the farmers market. Check it out if you are in Kelowna on Wednesdays or Saturdays.
Then we found a awesome winery in Kelowna called House of Rose. The owner was super nice, she walked us through the wines she had and Mom was able to sample a few. And we walked out of there with 3 bottles of wine and a map she gave us showing a u pick strawberry patch.
The strawberry patch was awesome. It was very hard keeping the boys from eating more than they picked, but they managed to collect 7 pounds of strawberries in 10 minutes...the juiciest, sweetest strawberries ever. The boys could barely eat their picnic lunch after eating as many strawberries as they could in the van on the way to the park. The left overs served as a wonderful topping on angel food cake back at the hotel.
Who knew that we would find kangaroos in Kelowna (that was not on the BINGO card)? We checked out a fun place called Kangaroo Creek Farm. The owners lovingly care for wallabies, kangaroos, goats and other animals. The kids got to feed a kangaroo and hold a baby kangaroo that was in a makeshift pouch. It is nice to see the kids interacting with animals. Our youngest had to crouch down at every animals and say "hello baby".
When it is 18 degrees and you are walking past an amazing spray park...decisions, decisions...but how can you say no when you also feel like jumping in there too? Needless to say, after a supper of cereal and fruit in the room we checked out ogopogo and went to the spray park (fully clothed, we had extra clothes in the can though).
Our middle was convinced that if he captured a picture of the real Ogopogo that he would, of course, be famous. He carried his camera around all day and told more than a dozen strangers how he was going to find Ogopogo. When we got to the lake though, he gave the camera back. He had decided that after he took the picture, a big limo would probably come and take him to a new hotel and then he would miss his family.
Great city and surrounding area Kelowna is! We could easliy stay for another 2 days. Next stop, the couv!