Mom and the wee one at the Alberta border.
The kids in the van at 5:30 just about to set off for summer vacation!!!!
The kids at hte Alberta border showing off their tomahawks.
The little guy is in love with his new stroller because it matches.
Today we began our summer vacation to the West coast!
It was an early morning with a departure from home at 5:00 am. You can see the three of them droopy eyed but ready!
It seems as the vacation was doomed from the start with an early start, but it couldn't have worked out better. Besides a pee break and a gas fill we didn't really stop until the Alberta border at 9:00 am.
And it was a great stop. The weather was amazing and the sky was clear and blue. The temp was 19 degrees when we pulled in to stop! We enjoyed the park they had there and ran off lots of energy that was beginning to build in everyone. Mom even had a tire swing ride and Dad gave the slide a workout. And you can see Mom and wee one ran around the play structure having a good time.
Once the tourist centre opened at 9:30 we went in to use the facilities. But while Mom was going number 1 we talk to the young fella at the information desk. After a few minutes of looking at a map of Alberta with him and pointing at places we will likely never see, he gave the kids a mini tomahawk each. And they were not a shitty plastic toy but instead an actual stone tied to a stick with strips of leather! Pretty damn awesome.....until we realized the carnage that could occur by presenting captive children with a weapon to injury another. The picture shows them at the tourist centre with their tomahawks and a Dino.
So it was a rare combo Tourism Alberta fail/win.
And as if that wasn't enough we met these two amazing women at the tourist centre who are cycling across Canada to raise money for autism. Check out their blog as they head out East. Show them some love if you see two women cycling by in a tandem bike.
It is in French but it is still worth a look by non French reading folk like me.
And we rolled into Calgary at around 1:30 so we made some pretty good time along the way. So far we only noticed one thing we forgot, our youngest's stroller. So off to Sears we went to snap one up. And you can see how happy the little guy is with a new matching stroller.
More pictures will follow tomorrow of the hotel and water park here at the Hotel. The kids love the pools and slides!
Tomorrow off to drive our way into the mountains, we are looking forward to seeing the kids faces tomorrow.