Oh man was today long. Breakfast at 7:00, into the park early at 8:00 and go, go, go. We hit the 2 big Harry Potter rides first thing in the morning, Forbidden Journey and Escape from Gringotts. They were both amazing and because the young guy didn't want to go we kid swapped, one parent stays with him while everyone else goes then the other parent takes him while the others go again. It is a great deal for the older two kids and grandma.
The sleeper hit of the day was the Hogwarts Express, we expected a train ride and instead it was just like in the books. So cool!!
After we did those big three we explored Diagon Alley and all the cool shops and alleys they had.
Then a whirlwind of a morning visiting various rides and places to play. The day really turned out nicely with clear skies and a nice warm sun. Perfectly hot for us, though still more than a few people still rocked the winter coat and mitt look.
We were a bit peckish so we went to the Chocolate Emporium where there was so much chocolate it was too much. For real! The milkshakes and desserts were craaaaaazy! A definite experience, though the steampunk theme was a fun at first and then odd after a while.
Then with the weather turning nice and hit we headed back to the hotel for a dip in the pool and a quick rest. This was a nice wet rest for the tired feet, yesterday I took 19,000 steps.
Tonight we headed back to the park for the Holiday parade. It was super fun with the original floating floats.
But the best float of the night was Gingy from Shrek. He was so big, so happy and so terrifying in the same breath.
It was a great end to the day. Tomorrow more park adventures with Transformers and Spiderman on the docket.